Why TGI? Hmm maybe is because of the advertisement lo! RM29.90 for both appetizers and entrees! Cheap? Not really la because after adding drinks, its RM44 per head -.-" Lame... Dah "naik kereta" lol... But still quite memorable la :) In fact its a great exeprience lo.. Touchwood 1st because how if i am the one who is so unlucky and cant proceed to the next year? This will be my last time to gather with my Inter friends :( I know i shouldn't be that pesimistic but just for in case la.. But seriously disappointed for those who fly kite lo.. But i guess they won't know it XD~~ So can stab them a few times more hahaha!! This is the EVIL ME :)
Kk.. Time to share some CLASSIC photos :) Ah.. 1 MORE THING I seriously HATE those ppl who took the camera and delete their UGLY PHOTO lo... Haiz... Dunno whats memory!! NOOB ASS!! First are food that we ordered and then will be our photo.
fuiyo pergi tgi
i oso tried the same thg tat time lar 2 sets meal share by 3 ppls n very very dam full tim.wakaka...i knew i was late to leave my footprint.cann0t meh?blow meh? xD
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