Thursday, March 13, 2008

~ Fantastic ~

Today mayb i am too lame or anything lah.. I went to ShengYi's Blog n i found an intresting article XD (Sheng hope u dun mind i posted here coz feeling like to share to my fellow friends lo)

Here's it :

Let's say A = 1 , B = 2 , C = 3 , D = 4 ...... Z = 26. What can make us 100 marks?

HARDWORK? 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11= 98

LUCK? 12+21+3+11= 47

MONEY? 13+15+14+5+25= 72

FAMOUS? 6+1+13+15+21+19= 75

LOVE? 12+15+22+5= 54

Guess... haha.. its an unexpected answer but it's quite true.
The correct answer is :

ATTITUTE : 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5= 100!

Yah!! Attitute makes us perfect :) Not physical look, fame, and others stuff which made us perfect.. Havin a perfect attitute only is the right way to make us 100!! (Sheng once more i wanna thank you for givin me this inspiration)

1 comment:

shEngyi said...

no thx la bro.. haha^^