Friday, March 28, 2008
~ Simple Love VS Complicated Love ~
But in my blog here i have to make my face thicker n just throw all my opinion here as a noob lol!!! :) Hmm... where to start le.. Oh ya.. Simple can be defined as not luxurious, not complex, not complicated or even easy to understand ( alot la from How bout love? Love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person ( also from the same source). This thingie is quite hard for me to write coz i m really too new for this but i dun care once the feelin come den jus blast them out coz keepin unhappy feelin inside ur heart will cause disease (dunno whether this is true anot alot of dramas told us so lol..) So what do u think of love?
Simple love in my mind is always so perfect to me because there will be lesser argument , lesser unhappy , no lies(mayb? lol..) , and many other negative elements will be reduce to the minimum.. Everyone else would like this kind of love rite? Unless those who likes to challenge difficulty which i think they are dummies lol... Coz for me, love isn't those matters that they think lo.. For me, love is pure and we shouldn't fight for love jus to show to everyone that u are better than them because its not like u will b very great if u overcome a complicated love. Yah maybe i am wrong bout that coz maybe this can boost their self satisfaction or ego since they are that capable in managing such stuff.. I dunno issit true but its jus my mere opinion.
Complex love, complicated love.. Argh.. Is like a nightmare for me lol... Since i m so INNOCENT as previous blog that described me -.-" Once i heard the word complicated or complex this already made my head shake automaticly.. Again cos of drama lol.. Coz after watching quite a number of dramas, complicated love is like OMG! SO COMPLEX sia.. At the end of the complex love, there will jus be 2 ending , 1 which is one pair will live happily ( like childhood story lol..) and 1 more will b all the parties involved will remain single (sad thing ler -.-" ) Don't u think complicated love would create more problems? The % of breakin off (dunno correct anot) will b alot higher compare to simple love rite? So i m wondering y would people like those complicated situation hahaha... They are dummies? Who knows? Hehe..
As i mention above, the blogger fren who typed the chinese phrase above she also typed this :伤心~我也要平平凡凡,细水长流,常相厮守的恋情~ ( Translation for TEW lol.. : Sad~ I also want a simple , longer time frame love~ , last 1 dunno how to translate la.. hard sia..) See? Another supporter :) lol.. N my reply for both of her comments is that I would rather miss out 10 simple love than enterin a complicated 1 since i m so new bout this n not interested to b superman / hero lo.. Duh.. finally finish postin all the word of my heart n guess i didnt miss out anything. Keke..
P.S : This noob's opinion greatly need some pro to gif comments so pls drop some comment if possible :)
Time for dinner... hehe.. 6.44pm
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
It's NOT me... Zzz..
1月18日 天 真 浪 漫 |
宮位:魔羯座27-29 |
魔羯水瓶座 |
本位的土象 |
1 月18日出生的人永遠保持著孩子般的天真浪漫。有時你可能會責怪他們過于單純,卻絕對不會認為他們工于心計、求財愛富或是投機取巧。這天出生的人非常隨遇 而字,喜歡追求輕松的樂趣,對于傷腦筋的可情不太感興趣。如果硬要將成人世界里的種種要示放在他們身上,則會讓他們非常痛苦。因此,對這些人來說,最大的 挑戰就是在成為一個成熟的個體,同時又能保有一顆歡樂的童心。 這 天出生的人通常也會是很好的父母。因為他們對于青少年期的孩子會喜歡什么,總是能了然于心。介是,他們和自己父母的相處反而總是多多,特別是在表少年時 期。對這些人而言,脫離孩童時代是一件很痛苦的事情,所以父母必須對他們在這個轉換時期的需要更為敏感、關心才行,而且最好不要將太多成人的要求施加于他 們身上,或是堅持要他們立刻丟掉一些孩提時候的習慣,因為這些要求只會造成他們的身心失調,甚至埋下反抗的種子。 1 月18日出生的人雖然喜歡輕松的生活,卻又期許生活里要有很多的興奮經驗和冒險,好讓他們隨時保持精神振奮。一旦不能在每于的生活里找到這種興奮經驗之 時,他們很可能會退縮到自己的幻想世界里,因為在那里,任何事情都可以發生。問題是,當這種情況一而再、再而三地發生時,他們就會開始認知到自己的快樂和 興趣完全屬于個人內在的世界,于是便慢慢放棄與外在世界的接觸,嚴重的話,甚至會完全退回到兒童時期的精神狀態。當然,他們之中也有些人能夠調整自己的行 為,將幻想投射在現實世界當中,不僅僅追求快樂的經驗,也自己行開發新的想法、創造新的產品,或是在外表上標新立異,追求生活的藝朮。 在情愛關系上,這天出生的人通常會吸引比較實際的人。因為這類型的人在與他們相處后,或許會由于內心那種孩童似的天性被喚醒,而欣喜異常。如果雙方的關系發展成功,他們和這個比較實際的對象之間,就會產生很穩定的安全感,建立彼此的互信與分享。 一 般而言,只要擁有完全屬于自己的閑暇時間,1月18日出生的人就可以自由自在地做自己想做的事情﹔即使是從事很實際的工作,也可以活得很快樂。然而,如前 所述,如果他們能夠將喜歡幻想的那部分融入工作里,從事較具創意或啟發性的工作,那就更好了。否則,如果生活里沒什么值得興奮的事情,他們就可能沒辦法集 中精神,特別是要從事重復性的工作時,他們常常就會在大白天里神游四方去也。 |
幸運數字和守護星 |
1 月18日出生的人都受到數字9(1+8=9)以及火星的影響。數字9對其他數字有很大的影響力(任何一個數字加上9之后,會變成原來的數字,例如5+9= 14,4+1=5﹔任何一個數字乘上9則會產生9,例如9*5=45,4+5=9),同樣地,1月18日出生的人對周遭的人也有很大的影響力。由于天王星 (相鄰星座水瓶座的主宰行星)的影響,這天出生的人還必須特別小心被奇異、邪惡或很難相處的人吸引,碰上這種人,將來恐怕會糾纏不斷。另外,土星(魔羯座 的主宰行星)對火星的影響也造就了他們容易妥協、遭人利用的個性。 |
健康 |
追求安全感沒什么不好,但要注意別孤立自己,并在人際關系上多下點工夫。與社會現實保持接觸﹔要記住是誰在付你薪水。 |
建議 |
放掉一點責任會讓自己解放,同時多給別人一點機會表現。讓自己更人性化一些,不要與周圍現況脫節。 |
名 人 |
米爾恩(A.A.Milne)英國作家,著有《小熊維尼》,書中創造了羅賓(Christopher Robin)等備受兒童喜愛的角色。 台灣企業家王永慶,台塑集團負責人,有“台灣經營之神”的美譽。 日本棒球明星衣笠祥雄(Sachio Kinugasa)。 美國電影喜劇演員哈台(Oliver Hardy),他與勞萊合作演出的《勞萊與哈台》是喜劇影片的經典之作。 英國電影導演約翰鮑曼(John Boorman),著名作品有《急先鋒奪命槍》、《激流四勇士》。 卡萊葛倫(Cary Grant)英裔美籍電影演員,主演過《北西北》、《粉紅色潛艇》等片。 美國電影演員凱文科斯納(Kevin Costner),他自導自演《與狼共舞》一片榮獲奧斯卡最佳導演、最佳影片獎,因而聲名大噪、紅極一時。尚有作品《水世界》、《終極保鑣》等。 英國飛機設計師索普威思(Thomas Sopwith),他的公司在第一次世界大戰時制造了索普威思“駱駝雙翼機”和“三翼”式軍用飛機而聞名。 |
塔羅牌 |
大秘儀塔羅牌的第18張是“月亮”,主要代表夢境、情感和潛意識的世界。傳統上,月亮的形象是女性的力量和情感的化身。因此,牌面正立時的意義是敏感、體諒與感同身受﹔牌面倒立則表示情感上的順從、被動的缺乏自我。 |
靜思語 |
宇宙的玩心表現在滿天繁星的舞步里。 |
優點 |
富想像力、幽默、具個人獨特性。 |
缺點 |
太過天真、混亂、不夠成熟。 Hmm.. is this me? lol.. i m innocent & immature? OMG.. Sad case T.T Not tat ACCURATE LA!! Zzz.. |
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
23rd of March -> Riot in KL?
"Eh, i heard that 23rd in KL gonna b messy coz riot is going to happen rite?"
"Yah, Kang did u stock up food? Better dun go out during the 2 weeks coz its so unsafe if there is riot"
"Better dun attend college la then.. Since its so dangerous. Coz 排华 might happen during the riot"
*NOTE : 排华 is anti chinese*
When the topic went to 排华 i am like abit worry coz i m so fair lol.. I think i will be killed easily during the riot coz of my fairness lol.. Den my cousin beside me told me that "Haha.. i am darker so dun need to worry being killed " I am like what the hell? Fair = Guilty? Duh.. Shud wonder y m i born with such fair skin ~.~ During those talk i still showed my weapon tat i m going to bring to KL if there is really a riot jus for self protection. Take a guess wats that haha.. Can u figure out what's my suggestion? Its a BOW n some STEEL HEADED ARROWS. Y? Coz thats the only weapon i have >.<>.< ) Here's my bow n arrows :

Razor Steel Arrow which will pierce through human flesh :

My art by using bow n arrows :

Sunday, March 16, 2008
~ Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis ~
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open
But they don't know the truth
My heart's crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I....
Saturday, March 15, 2008
~ 10,000BC ~





Here is the main thing tat i wanna describe, 10,000 BC. I guess most of the people had seen this movie rite? Still remember those character name? The main character is D'Leh , Evolet and also Tic'Tic( nice name huh?) From the begining of the movie, D'Leh is jus a kid but he had knew how to sweet talk and i wonder people at 10,000 BC knows this :X And i saw how those prehistoric fellows hunt down a Mannak( strongest beast by the time) The funny part of this hunt is the beast is so stupid till rush toward the spear n at last killed itself by the pearcing through its own heart ROFL.. There are alot more humour scene in this movie, the part when D'Leh was hunting food for Tic'Tic coz he was badly injured by those ostrich looked creature ( looks like Chocobo in Final Fantasy) The Malay guy behind us is laughing so loud when saw him dropped into the trap... Hahaha.. Hunter fell into another hunter's trap? lol... When he is in the trap, it is even more funny, he saw the Spear Tooth( i tot is named as Saber Tooth -_-") n pick up his spear but he failed to pierce n kill the Spear Tooth maybe he is abit too mercy :) He speaks to the Spear Tooth " Do not eat me when i set you free!" Again there is another outburst of laughter from the Malay behind. A man actually speaks to a tiger? Haha.. When D'Leh n Tic'Tic reached Naku's Village, they were ambushed by them den here come again the speech between D'Leh n Spear Tooth " You must remember me" haha -_- Once again the whole theater is full with laughter... I am thinkin is this a comedy more than an action movie as i expected? Hmm.. where else i wanna share... YAH! There tribe's name but i jus merely remembered one of those who joined him (D'Leh) One of them named Tutt Tutt (wat on eath is this name lol... ) Now is the river part, the tribe near the rivers looks even funnier their armour is made of bamboo if i am not wrong. The leader of the tribe made me laught coz he is dressing like a MASKED RIDER -.-" This is really so funny sia.. The director is trying to make us laugh? I thought this is going to be a full action movie :/ They even describe a ship with 2 red big sail as "Big Bird" OMG... But this is quite understandable la coz no one can float on the river wad so for themthe ship seems like flying on the river.. And at last blah blah blah... D'Leh lead all the tribes to fight the so called "God" in the Mountain of God (nice name? :D) This screen loooks so similiar to 300 but the only difference is tat in 300 King Leonidas missed his spear n in 10,000BC D'Leh has better eye sight that he threw his spear n pierce through the God's heart n killed him LOL.. (God die so easily -.-" abit lame lol) But there is still romantic scene in this movie lo. Hmm.. Before ending its abit fairytale but quite ok la hahaha.. The OldMother breathe out her last breath and Evolet revived after taking in the breath o.O But overall i still quite enjoy this movie lo hahaha.. I guess u guys will jus call me to direct another movie rite? No thx ar XD coz i jus noe how to say oni 1 dun really noe how to direct a movie Muahahahaha! Tats all la need to do assignment again -_-" Tonight might write one more lo but c la how's my mood and any inspiration anot :)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
~ Fantastic ~
Here's it :
Let's say A = 1 , B = 2 , C = 3 , D = 4 ...... Z = 26. What can make us 100 marks?
HARDWORK? 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11= 98
LUCK? 12+21+3+11= 47
MONEY? 13+15+14+5+25= 72
FAMOUS? 6+1+13+15+21+19= 75
LOVE? 12+15+22+5= 54
Guess... haha.. its an unexpected answer but it's quite true.
The correct answer is :
ATTITUTE : 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5= 100!
Yah!! Attitute makes us perfect :) Not physical look, fame, and others stuff which made us perfect.. Havin a perfect attitute only is the right way to make us 100!! (Sheng once more i wanna thank you for givin me this inspiration)
Monday, March 10, 2008
Cool!! Debate in 2 weeks time :)
Debate, ya this is the topic i m goin to continue to type.. Today our lecturer Ms Rebecca supprise us by asking all of us to prepare for a debate in 2 weeks time. Hmmm.. For me i m so supprised that i was seperated with Khai Hang n Seng Yau lo coz we 3 owaz do assignments or go for outing together 1 but this time team with Andy n William (2 law PRO) BUT the main problem for this time is that we are doing is about HOMOSEXUAL anyone pls help? lol...
Here is our question : Does morality effect the development of law? For my team, we need to answer yes (Law should be moral) So we are going to debate that Homosexual should be banned as homosexual is not allowed in any religion therefore it is not moral to be a homosexual ( i doubt so) For me debate is kinda fun coz by the time we will b debating with our own classmates XD I wonder who will b our opposition when we are debating for the homosexual topic
Btw, from my view, homosexual is ok but it is quite challenging for me to argue against myself but i guess this wont be hard coz we have teammates -.-" Okla going to 12.30 adi is time for me to blah n oink :)
Friday, March 7, 2008
~ Outing ~
* Ehh anyone know y this blog the time is so inaccurate? it shud b 8.50pm by now but it shows 4++ am -__-
haha.. blogging again coz plan changed lol... Hmm... Jus msn with LiChing, she said tat bcoz of tomolo is voting day, so it will be quite dangerous for them to go out and our outing must be postponed >.< aiks... tomolo will b another boring saturday again.. sad..