Friday, September 25, 2009
~ There is free lunch in this world!!!! ~

Saturday, September 5, 2009
~ Fish Market ~

Ytd after "Final Destination 4"(Too fake la this movie..) SweeChan, Meixin , PeiPei and me went to have our dinner.... These are foods kat MFM ( forgotten issit Manhantan Fish Market) :D The Strawberry Milk Shake there -_-" dunno how to describe lol.. I just dont like it because drinks are meant to release us from thrisrty-ness(Dunno how to describe lol..) but i got more thirsty when i start drinkin it.. Maybe its just too "kao" for me XD~
The 1 beside the milk shake is "Swordfish - Fish N' Chips" - Also one of the worst food among all those food we ate lol.. Why?? Because its just too hard if compare with SweeChan's "Dorry - Fish N' Chips" (which i dunno y the photo is not in my phone :/) And the nex food is " Pollock - Fish N' Chips" which ordered by Meixin. For me the Pollock is like TASTELESS.. But Meixin keep saying that the fish is better than Dorry -_-"
And lastly its the only dish i dunno what's its name lol.. Is like some fried squids with spagetti something with 2 garlic butter toast :D Hmm.. i guess i shall sleep now coz tomolo have class from 10am - 5.15pm since i m not taking Evidence Law XD~
Sunday, August 23, 2009
~ First Day Back To College ~
Ahh... Finally i m back to KL again ;) Today is my 1st day back to ATC, The Best Law School XD~ Today had class from morning 10am till 3.30pm.. I seriously wonder that why all the lecturers are saying that the subject they are teaching is so BULKY hahahaha... Isn't it everything in LAW is bulky?? So why are they keep on mentioning that "Family Law is a bulky subject.." "... Tort Law is quite bulky.." Hahahaa... But its good that they keep remind us that all the subs are very bulky so that we can really put full effort and study everything before the next coming exam.. Final Part 1 is alot harder since i used 18 months to complete my Intermediate and for my Final Part 1, there is only 9 months!!
Bahh.. Why m i talking bout Final Part 1??? My Inter result would be here on this Thurs... Dam lol.. Is really D-DAY for me hahahaha.. But as what my parents told me, i shouldn't worry bout it now because the time i should be worry about it is before the bloody exam lol!!!! And what i can do is jus PRAY HARD hahahahaha! Hmm.. I seirously hope that all of us from Inter can proceed together XD~ Ciaoz... Father's Bday today too :) Gotta celebrate with him soon.
Bahh.. Why m i talking bout Final Part 1??? My Inter result would be here on this Thurs... Dam lol.. Is really D-DAY for me hahahaha.. But as what my parents told me, i shouldn't worry bout it now because the time i should be worry about it is before the bloody exam lol!!!! And what i can do is jus PRAY HARD hahahahaha! Hmm.. I seirously hope that all of us from Inter can proceed together XD~ Ciaoz... Father's Bday today too :) Gotta celebrate with him soon.
Friday, August 21, 2009
~ I' back just for another day LOL ~

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I'm Back for 1 day :X
Eh bro wan photo go my FB n take :D i already uploaded there. About the Sitiawan trip rite i am finding where the heck they gone :X Will post A.S.A.P
Reason for being inactive : Dragonica (pia-ing lvl.. hahaha)
For anyone who is as free as me can try this game :D [ http://dragonica.iahgames.com/site/default.aspx ]
I have 1 3rd job char at 1st server (Kaye) so want to join inform me via msn or FB la :D
Reason for being inactive : Dragonica (pia-ing lvl.. hahaha)
For anyone who is as free as me can try this game :D [ http://dragonica.iahgames.com/site/default.aspx ]
I have 1 3rd job char at 1st server (Kaye) so want to join inform me via msn or FB la :D
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
25th/26th May Genting Trip - Part 1
Yea this is the 2nd entry for today XD~ One of my most memorable trip :) Double Thumbs Up!!
Venue : Genting
Time : 25th May (10am) - 26th May (3pm)
Purpose : Same as previous 1
Participants : (F) Susan , Christy , Hui Fen , Wan Yin (M) Me , Andy , William , Edwin , Jaryd , SengYau , Khai Hang , Hong Woei , Cheng Haw
Some would say its not fun to go to Genting since it is quite a boring place but this time i would like to differ :) For me it depends who we go with. If its with a group of friends, it will be lots of difference XD~
Our journey starts at my Condo. at 10am when Mr Kung is late.. All of us departed first and met each other at the Burger King at Masjid Jamek while waiting for Mr Kung. When Mr Kung reached, we just finished our food. Then we continue our journey to Terminal Putra because we are going to Genting by bus and according to Ms Susan, the bus there is the nearest one to go to Genting. While we are waiting for the bus, we snaped one group photo with the camera i brought :D But, when i went up to the bus, i don't know whether my camera is dropped on the bus or be stolen by skillful thief...
When we are getting into the cable car, then only i realise i lost the camera because i wanted to snap photo :( Haiz.. Suay betul.. I seriously wonder where is the camera T.T And so.. I had to continue my trip without camera.. This is seriously a sad case man.. Before play then mood oredi been affected... When we reached the top, we went to look for our hotel, Resort Hotel (4 star 1 leh!!) Edwin who seems to be a regular guest then start to lead us. Guess what? He is also just "HALF BUCKET OF WATER" LOL... He misled us several times and when i asked the policeman, the police pointed to me the exact direction lol.. But no harsh feeling la lol... Everyone makes mistakes XD~ or in other words, SHIT HAPPENS hahahahahahahh!!
When we are in the hotel, since i am new i.e first timer, i went to the empty counter and thinking that since i've booked the room online, i can get them easily. -_- Shit seriously happens lol.. The receptionist asked me to get a number. When i pressed, there is 30 persons ahead of me :/ Since there are some who are hungry, i asked them to go to have lunch 1st because i can see that the progress is quite slow. After most of them went for lunch, we waited there for quite a long time.. Finally when its our turn, something happened... When i gave the receptionist my Identity Card, she told me no room was booked under my name!! But at last, we found out that i used my initial/shortform of my name KC to book the room -_-" hahahaha... When we went up to our room, we are seriously STUNNED! The room is alot smaller than what we saw online! Then we decided to take another room. This time, i am smart, i get a number before walk to the counter lol.. And it appears that what i did was correct. This time the 2 person who accompanied me and waited for 30 persons again is different, Susan and KhaiHang :D While waiting we talked alot lol.. And the TOPIC is about "BIOLOGY" LOL.. Hahahahaa...
Ok.. damn tired now.. Lets continue it later or tomorrow.. The next part is all about what we played :D And some funny things happened.. Stay Tuned!!
Venue : Genting
Time : 25th May (10am) - 26th May (3pm)
Purpose : Same as previous 1
Participants : (F) Susan , Christy , Hui Fen , Wan Yin (M) Me , Andy , William , Edwin , Jaryd , SengYau , Khai Hang , Hong Woei , Cheng Haw
Some would say its not fun to go to Genting since it is quite a boring place but this time i would like to differ :) For me it depends who we go with. If its with a group of friends, it will be lots of difference XD~
Our journey starts at my Condo. at 10am when Mr Kung is late.. All of us departed first and met each other at the Burger King at Masjid Jamek while waiting for Mr Kung. When Mr Kung reached, we just finished our food. Then we continue our journey to Terminal Putra because we are going to Genting by bus and according to Ms Susan, the bus there is the nearest one to go to Genting. While we are waiting for the bus, we snaped one group photo with the camera i brought :D But, when i went up to the bus, i don't know whether my camera is dropped on the bus or be stolen by skillful thief...
When we are getting into the cable car, then only i realise i lost the camera because i wanted to snap photo :( Haiz.. Suay betul.. I seriously wonder where is the camera T.T And so.. I had to continue my trip without camera.. This is seriously a sad case man.. Before play then mood oredi been affected... When we reached the top, we went to look for our hotel, Resort Hotel (4 star 1 leh!!) Edwin who seems to be a regular guest then start to lead us. Guess what? He is also just "HALF BUCKET OF WATER" LOL... He misled us several times and when i asked the policeman, the police pointed to me the exact direction lol.. But no harsh feeling la lol... Everyone makes mistakes XD~ or in other words, SHIT HAPPENS hahahahahahahh!!
When we are in the hotel, since i am new i.e first timer, i went to the empty counter and thinking that since i've booked the room online, i can get them easily. -_- Shit seriously happens lol.. The receptionist asked me to get a number. When i pressed, there is 30 persons ahead of me :/ Since there are some who are hungry, i asked them to go to have lunch 1st because i can see that the progress is quite slow. After most of them went for lunch, we waited there for quite a long time.. Finally when its our turn, something happened... When i gave the receptionist my Identity Card, she told me no room was booked under my name!! But at last, we found out that i used my initial/shortform of my name KC to book the room -_-" hahahaha... When we went up to our room, we are seriously STUNNED! The room is alot smaller than what we saw online! Then we decided to take another room. This time, i am smart, i get a number before walk to the counter lol.. And it appears that what i did was correct. This time the 2 person who accompanied me and waited for 30 persons again is different, Susan and KhaiHang :D While waiting we talked alot lol.. And the TOPIC is about "BIOLOGY" LOL.. Hahahahaa...
Ok.. damn tired now.. Lets continue it later or tomorrow.. The next part is all about what we played :D And some funny things happened.. Stay Tuned!!
22nd May - Clubbing Trip :D~
I have no time to blog online after the Clubbing Trip because the next day is my bro's convocation day and after the convocation, it's my GENTING TRIP with my Inter Jan/Feb 08/09 buddies :)
Yea i am BACK to KL today and after my delicious dinner (Salted Egg Fried Squid + Kong Nam Mee) , i found that i am quite free and i start blogging d :D
Since all the photos are with Jaryd, then i shall write them down and post those PRECIOUS photos in the next entry ;) Kk.. Lets talk bout the clubbing trip.
Venue : Poppy
Time : 11pm - 2.30am
Purpose : Celebrate our freedom after FINAL EXAM
Yea, after the BLOODY WAR, we went to Plaza Low Yat and "Cheong K" till 5+pm. Then while we still have time we went for the movie "Angels and Demons". LOL... Guess what? After that we went home and hoping to get some rest. BUT shit happens :/ When i saw the desktop standing there, i switch it on and go for DoTA!!! This caused my 45 mins rest gone... When its almost 10.30pm, some noobies haven't even reach my house which makes me quite "gan jeong" coz i had already booked for 1 table and the latest time to reach is at 11pm!! However, we managed to reach there at 10.55pm (if i am not wrong because i received a msg asking whether am i coming for clubbing at that time LOL... Coz my seat is going to be taken i guess) Since the other car which carrying ChengHaw, Grace, HongWoei,Edwin and Jaryd haven't reach, those who followed my car went in 1st. When the other car reached i saw some UNWANTED/UNINVITED bastard came along too. This caused us to pay extra cover charge for the bastard!!! (But this is not the main point i named him as BASTARD) Ok stop about that bastard 1st.
For that night, the DJ is not the same as the 1 i went with my cousins on Feb 28th. At first all the music are quite sux because for me, those music can't even make me feel high........ BUT.. When the clock struck 12am!! Heh.. Those MUSIC came :D At first, all of our classmates are shy lol.. All told me that they can't dance, but after some time, both me and Jaryd keep dancing, they started to heat up too.. And at last all of us are DANCING NON-STOP since our seat are just right at the dancing pool :D I guess Pokerface and JustDance by Lady GaGa is our favourite songs during the whole night. All of us sing along(more to shout LOL) and jumping up and down when these 2 songs are on lol..
When its 2.30am, all of us are DEAD TIRED (especially me coz i danced non stop from 11.30pm till 1.15am and then i rest for around 20 mins and continued dancing till 2.30 MUAHAHAHA) I am seriously enjoying that night so much :) Since i am just too tired, i can't send William back, and so i asked ChengHaw to help me send him back but before that we have drinks at the MAMAK outside of my Condo. Since everyone is there i started to collect my money back.
Guess what? THAT FXXKING IDIOT + FREAKING UNINVITED BASTARD (sry for those vulgar words and both is for the same guy i meantioned above) told me this " I didn't even drink a drop of the liquor, why should i pay for it?" When i heard that guess what my reaction is? "FXCK MAN! ARE U AN ASSHOLE WITH NO BRAIN? U ARE THE FXCKING IDIOTIC BASTARD WHO I DIDN'T INVITE U BUT U CAME YOURSELF AND CAUSED US TO PAY THE FREAKING COVER CHARGE FOR U!!" Seriously i am gonna scold the word FXCK just at the moment he said so. But since i am already damn tired, i just say "FINE!!! JUST DEVIDE LESS 1 PERSON AND WE WILL PAY FOR IT!"(Note : I said those angrily and loudly) Come on la u freaking bastard, didn't u go out for clubbing before? Did i use a shotgun and point it at your balls and told u not to drink? Fxck man! U r the idiot who sleep on the longest seat which caused us can't have a seat when we are tired the whole night! JUST GO AND FXCK YOURSELF PLEASE!!! Idiotic like hell man!
From that moment on, i told all of my friedns who are present at the mamak store, WHEREVER I GO I DON'T EVEN WANT TO SEE HIS FREAKING LAME FACE!! And i am damn serious about it! Allow me to repeat it once again FXCK U BITCH! DON'T JOIN ANY EVENT THAT I ORGANISED! JUST FXCK OFF!!!
***I am seriously EMO when i heard those ridiculous shit from that idiot so.. i guess my EMO-ness is still here therefore its full of vulgar words in previous paragraphs :/
Yea i am BACK to KL today and after my delicious dinner (Salted Egg Fried Squid + Kong Nam Mee) , i found that i am quite free and i start blogging d :D
Since all the photos are with Jaryd, then i shall write them down and post those PRECIOUS photos in the next entry ;) Kk.. Lets talk bout the clubbing trip.
Venue : Poppy
Time : 11pm - 2.30am
Purpose : Celebrate our freedom after FINAL EXAM
Yea, after the BLOODY WAR, we went to Plaza Low Yat and "Cheong K" till 5+pm. Then while we still have time we went for the movie "Angels and Demons". LOL... Guess what? After that we went home and hoping to get some rest. BUT shit happens :/ When i saw the desktop standing there, i switch it on and go for DoTA!!! This caused my 45 mins rest gone... When its almost 10.30pm, some noobies haven't even reach my house which makes me quite "gan jeong" coz i had already booked for 1 table and the latest time to reach is at 11pm!! However, we managed to reach there at 10.55pm (if i am not wrong because i received a msg asking whether am i coming for clubbing at that time LOL... Coz my seat is going to be taken i guess) Since the other car which carrying ChengHaw, Grace, HongWoei,Edwin and Jaryd haven't reach, those who followed my car went in 1st. When the other car reached i saw some UNWANTED/UNINVITED bastard came along too. This caused us to pay extra cover charge for the bastard!!! (But this is not the main point i named him as BASTARD) Ok stop about that bastard 1st.
For that night, the DJ is not the same as the 1 i went with my cousins on Feb 28th. At first all the music are quite sux because for me, those music can't even make me feel high........ BUT.. When the clock struck 12am!! Heh.. Those MUSIC came :D At first, all of our classmates are shy lol.. All told me that they can't dance, but after some time, both me and Jaryd keep dancing, they started to heat up too.. And at last all of us are DANCING NON-STOP since our seat are just right at the dancing pool :D I guess Pokerface and JustDance by Lady GaGa is our favourite songs during the whole night. All of us sing along(more to shout LOL) and jumping up and down when these 2 songs are on lol..
When its 2.30am, all of us are DEAD TIRED (especially me coz i danced non stop from 11.30pm till 1.15am and then i rest for around 20 mins and continued dancing till 2.30 MUAHAHAHA) I am seriously enjoying that night so much :) Since i am just too tired, i can't send William back, and so i asked ChengHaw to help me send him back but before that we have drinks at the MAMAK outside of my Condo. Since everyone is there i started to collect my money back.
Guess what? THAT FXXKING IDIOT + FREAKING UNINVITED BASTARD (sry for those vulgar words and both is for the same guy i meantioned above) told me this " I didn't even drink a drop of the liquor, why should i pay for it?" When i heard that guess what my reaction is? "FXCK MAN! ARE U AN ASSHOLE WITH NO BRAIN? U ARE THE FXCKING IDIOTIC BASTARD WHO I DIDN'T INVITE U BUT U CAME YOURSELF AND CAUSED US TO PAY THE FREAKING COVER CHARGE FOR U!!" Seriously i am gonna scold the word FXCK just at the moment he said so. But since i am already damn tired, i just say "FINE!!! JUST DEVIDE LESS 1 PERSON AND WE WILL PAY FOR IT!"(Note : I said those angrily and loudly) Come on la u freaking bastard, didn't u go out for clubbing before? Did i use a shotgun and point it at your balls and told u not to drink? Fxck man! U r the idiot who sleep on the longest seat which caused us can't have a seat when we are tired the whole night! JUST GO AND FXCK YOURSELF PLEASE!!! Idiotic like hell man!
From that moment on, i told all of my friedns who are present at the mamak store, WHEREVER I GO I DON'T EVEN WANT TO SEE HIS FREAKING LAME FACE!! And i am damn serious about it! Allow me to repeat it once again FXCK U BITCH! DON'T JOIN ANY EVENT THAT I ORGANISED! JUST FXCK OFF!!!
***I am seriously EMO when i heard those ridiculous shit from that idiot so.. i guess my EMO-ness is still here therefore its full of vulgar words in previous paragraphs :/
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