Errr... One thing to apologise is that since i had renamed all the photos, i am lazy to rearrange them according to date... Hahaha.. so DUN BLAME ME for my laziness lol.. Paiseh :p


~I am also wondering what is that hahaha..~

~Take Photo with SNAKE lol..~

~ A Beautiful Waterwheel~

~ I guess this is the 1st photo when we reached Melacca~

~Weighting Scale (Customs Museum)~

~I guess is another type of weighting scale too~

~There with a white arrow is the place where people used to hide DRUGS~

~Ice Kacang~

~The Royal Malaysia Customs Museum~

~The three who are EXTREMELY Self-Admire buddies i ever had.. LOL~

~View from our hotel room~

~Waiting for FOOD once we reach Melacca~

~沈慕羽书道馆(Shen Mu Yu Shu Dao Guan) This is all i can do for bananas lol... Coz i dun noe it well too hahaha..~

~Warm Welcome from Majlis Bandaraya Melacca lol..~

~Prison? Yah 3 of them are found guilty lol..~

~The switch found in our hotel room but we can't figure it out how it functions~

~Fulamak! The Chicken Rice Ball~

~Guess what? I am the SAFE DRIVER who drove all of us to Melacca :D~

~Samudera Museum~

~The overview of the Samudera Museum~

~Soap and Shampoo provided for us in the hotel~

~Yah.. The 3 cant live without being inside a photo hahaha...~

~Some LAME job did by someone when i was in toilet~

~Actually i dun even know what to describe.. Maybe name it as The Sky?~

~Harn with the sexy lady~

~Random Shophouse in Melacca~

~Snapping photos with Customs lol... Purposely dun snap Pipo in lol.. ~

~The 1st place we went when we reached Melacca~

~The Pirate Ship~

~The Famous Chicken Rice Ball shop :D~

~I guess these preserved frogs are cool rite?~

~Our RM120 room~

~Our transport :D My Latio~

~Outside of the Famous Ice Kacang shop~

~An uncle sitting at the nex shop helped us to take this~

~Jon & Pipo with the doll( if i am not wrong..)~

~Taken after i pumping petrol~

~The Red House~

~The fountain at night is more beautiful right?~

~Our Mr Blur King - Jon~

~Accordian Hotel~

~Newton Food Village overview~

~I wonder if it can move :D~

~Night view (Clock Tower)~

~Brighter view? hahaha~

~Some sort of machine used by Customs~

~Jon (Left) and Yee Fan(Right)!!~

~Handphone (Ericsson)~

~Skillful Green Keeper in Melaka~

~MU :D Manchaster United Fans? hahahaha! I AM~

~Newton Food Village :D~

~Weapons (Keris)~

~Nice are huh? Laksamana Cheng Ho(If i m not wrong la)~

~The Chicken Rice Ball shop that we had our lunch~

~Mc Donalds beside Mahkota Parade~

~Lunch (2nd day)~

~Satay Celup (inside the shop)~

~Ready, Get set, GO!~

~Dunno wats this jus found that quite nice den snap it :D~

~金声桥 ( Jin Sheng Bridge - direct translation coz dunno the real name haha..)~

~Just realize that Jalan Hang Jebat = Jonker Walk!~

~I feel like kissing the snake lol...~

~Lol.. Snake :D But look at Harn's (middle 1) face? hahahaha~

~Unknown machine to me lol..~

~Inside of the Newton Food Village (1)~

~Inside of the Newton Food Village (2)~

~Our dinner XD~

~Gec 12 made from England~

~Elephant Tusk~

~This is how people smuggle gold but unfortunately failed~


~Snap this inside of the Chicken Rice Ball shop( Tang Lung)~

~This satay celup famous till the customers mus wait at the roadside..~

~Finally our turn to eat :D~

~But we took little food only since i m quite full ~

~Gambling machine confiscated by Customs~

~Confiscated items (1)~

~This naked woman "art" is ILLEGAL in Malaysia lol..~

~Unknown machine used by Customs~

~Drinks but not so nice -.- ~

~When did Cheng Ho start up a business?~


~Rice ball + Chicken~

~ Church of St Francis Xavier~

~Clock tower (morning view)~

~Coke from all the other countries.. Nice collection n wish i could have them too~

~Not only Coke... Other type of "ANCIENT" soft drink bottles~

~Nice art~

~Thx to our camera man Yee Fan :D but Harn seems LAN-C lol.. (JK)~

~Where am i? Nice tricycle? We snap this coz the owner is not there lol..~

~Outside of the Samudera Museum~

~Inside of the Royal Malaysia Customs Museum~

~Some antique found in the Customs Museum~

~Don't ask me y snap this coz i also dunno y i do so~
Finally finished it adi hahahaha.. Sry guys for waiting so long... Hope u guys love it :D